Standard E-Commerce Solutions Package​

Standard E-Commerce Solutions Package​

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Standard E-Commerce Solutions Package​

Included Services:
  • Payment Gateway Development: Enhanced setup with advanced security features and fraud protection.
  • API Development: Comprehensive integration of multiple APIs for seamless system interoperability (API usage charged separately).
  • Software System Maintenance: Proactive maintenance with regular updates and monitoring.
  • Consulting: Up to 20 hours of consulting services for technology adoption, process optimization, and cost-saving measures.
Additional Benefits:
  • Security: Advanced fraud protection and data security measures.
  • Support: Priority email and phone support with a 12-hour response time.
  • Training: Online training resources and two live training sessions per year.

Basic API Integration


(Quantity: 0 * Price: £1) + Number: 0
Total: £0

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Standard API Integration


(Quantity: 0 * Price: £2) + Number: 0
Total: £0

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Advanced API Integration


(Quantity: 0 * Price: £4) + Number: 0
Total: £0

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